What is a Bokken? A Deep Dive into the Traditional Japanese Wooden Sword

The bokken, also known as bokuto in Japan, is a wooden sword used for training in various martial arts. This essential piece of martial arts training equipment is designed to mimic the size, shape, and weight of a real katana, providing practitioners a safe way to hone their skills. Below, we explore the intricacies of the bokken, including its dimensions, usage, and even how you can craft one yourself.

Discover our selection of training swords, including the Polypropylene Bokken Katana and Polypropylene Bokken with Scabbard, perfect for those looking to enhance their martial arts practice.

How Long is a Bokken?

The standard bokken measures approximately 102 cm (40 inches) in length, mirroring the traditional length of a katana. However, sizes can vary depending on the specific martial arts discipline and the practitioner's height and preferences. For younger students or those practicing techniques requiring shorter swords, a mini katana or wooden wakizashi might be more appropriate.

Mastering the Grip: How to Hold a Bokken

Properly holding a bokken, the traditional Japanese wooden sword used for training, is foundational to mastering martial arts techniques. To begin, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and grip the bokken's handle (tsuka) with your dominant hand near the end of the handle. Your thumb and index finger should form a ring around the tsuka, providing control, while the remaining fingers wrap securely but not too tightly. Place your other hand directly in front of the dominant one, ensuring both palms face each other, with a slight space between them for balance and flexibility. This grip, balanced between firm control and fluid motion, is essential for executing precise strikes and blocks, mirroring the way one would wield a katana. By practicing this grip, martial artists can enhance their skill with both the bokken and its live-blade counterpart, the katana, fostering a deeper understanding of traditional and modern martial arts disciplines.

How to Use a Bokken

The bokken is utilized in a variety of martial arts, including Kendo, Iaido, and Aikido, for both kata (form practice) and sparring. Here are the basics on how to use a bokken:

  • Stance and Grip: Hold the bokken in both hands, maintaining a firm but relaxed grip, similar to how you would hold a real katana.
  • Kata Practice: Perform kata to practice form, technique, and the flow of movements. This is essential for mastering the art of the sword.
  • Sparring: While contact is typically minimal, some disciplines practice controlled sparring with bokken, emphasizing technique over strength.

How to Make a Bokken

Crafting your own bokken is a rewarding project that allows for a personalized connection to your training tool. Here’s a simplified guide:

Materials and Tools Needed:

  • A hardwood plank (oak is traditionally used)
  • Saw
  • Plane
  • Sandpaper
  • Wood finish (oil or varnish)


  1. Outline the Shape: Trace the outline of a bokken on your wood plank. Include the curve of the blade, handle, and guard if desired.
  2. Cut and Carve: Use a saw to cut out the basic shape, then refine it with a plane and sandpaper until smooth.
  3. Sand for Smoothness: Smooth the entire bokken with fine-grit sandpaper, ensuring there are no sharp edges or splinters.
  4. Apply Finish: Seal the wood with your choice of finish to protect it and give it a polished look.

Crafting a bokken requires patience and precision, mirroring the dedication needed in martial arts practice itself.

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